Wednesday, April 1, 2020

From Ethan Watter to the Future - Ethan Watter Discusses the Future

From Ethan Watter to the Future - Ethan Watter Discusses the FutureIn his essay 'Ethan Watter - When Culture is at War' Ethan Watter provides a candid and revealing glimpse into the future of our race. This essay is timely, it is important for our future because this generation is very susceptible to what culture does to the soul and character of a person. After Watter gives us this insight, we are compelled to ponder as to how we are doing in his analysis. Watter's insights are enlightening, insightful and in line with current news, science and public opinion.We live in an age of personal and public affairs that get more personal every day. What will the future of our culture be like? As the saying goes 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.'The individual becomes their own worst enemy when all of the walls begin to crumble and the bubble-the thing that protects the individual from the crushing pressures of the world outside their selfhood bursts-and we start to see what w ill happen if things continue as they are and do not change for the better. If you have not noticed this for yourself, take a close look at your own life, your business, your family and try to figure out why you are not as successful as you once were, and realize that you need to be more open, more relaxed, more open to new ideas, thoughts and concepts in order to succeed in life.This is where we get into the territory of culture getting out of control, whether it is in terms of all the gambling, drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, unfaithfulness, murder and other negative behaviors that are coming to define our culture. The truth is that these problems are far too much for our young to handle and the times call for a major culture change.The future is here and the future is changing rapidly. There is no time to remain stagnant and embrace our destiny, as it is here to stay and that destiny calls us all to wake up and join together as one in a great cause and culture war that can en d the misery, strife and misunderstanding of this current century.In closing, it is imperative that we listen to what Watter is saying because it is a direct quote from those who are resisting our time, our culture and the awakening that are going on right now. Our spirit is ready to rise up against the invaders who have made themselves our enemy.If you can agree with Ethan Watter's premise and wish to understand his message, read his essay and reflect on how we can make this change happen for our culture, family and for our civilization. If you wish to see your best day, plan a time today to write down your best thoughts, your best ideas and your best sentiments. Let this essay to present to you, a vision of the future and believe in your vision.

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